What We Do

What we do

Brick Foundation has for its focus areas, Education, Employability and Mental Health. The foundation is engaged in a variety of areas and activities including Training, anchoring Helplines, Research, anchoring social groups like Friends of Health and offering Capacity Building and Consultancy Services to the Indian non-profit sector.

Training And Workshops

Brick Foundation offers Training and Workshop programmes to Non-Profits, Professionals, Challenged Citizens and society at large in areas of, Communication, Mental Health, Education, Career Development, Special Education, Ayurveda and Homeopathy.

Brick Foundation often works in collaboration with other non-profits and also professional bodies where we organize programmes with social intent for members of professional bodies. Brick Foundation also offers a Career Development Workshops to students and executives to help citizens in finding a right career and prepare right for it, enhancing their quality of life.


Brick Foundation also anchors a mental health helpline which serves as a first level information and guidance source to families in need of information in the area of mental health. Once established and fine tuned with practice we intend to add Help-lines in other areas as well especially to begin with in Education and Career Development.

You can dial the mental health Helpline number or send us an email or chat with us on g-talk or on Skype to get your inquiry addressed.


Brick Foundation also engages with research and current areas of interest concern Mental Health, Child Rights and Career Development.

Friends of Health

Brick Foundation also facilitates and anchors the concept of Friends of Health where volunteers devote 4 hours per month free in looking after patients whose relatives in Hospitals might need such support to help them go home, get ready for the day and come back to the Hospital. 'Friends of Health' is a voluntary circle of concerned citizens that includes students, retired professionals and people at large.

Capacity Building and Consultancy Services

Brick Foundation offers Capacity Building and Consultancy Services to the Indian non-profit sector for which there is an acute need and scarce availability. A concise elaboration of the range of consultancy services offered to the Indian non-profit sector is tabulated here,

No. Consulting Services Research Services Training Programmes
1 Institutional Strategy Programme Development Research Social Marketing
2 Business Plan/Project
Report Development
Strategy Research Product Development
3 Market Strategy Communications Research Communication
4 Market Linkages Product Development Research Leadership
5 Programme Impact Assessment Studies Market Research Enterprise Development
6 Corporate Linkages Programme Development Research Compliances
7 Programme Development Programme Development Research Social Communication

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