Who We Are

About US

The developmental landscape is stationed on the cusp of a paradigm shift with the future call being on Creativity, Technology, Participative functioning, Efficiency and transparent honesty, demands which are radically different from before. Developmental Institutions are being put to intense scrutiny and are being called upon to leverage knowledge and technology in a participative transparent way to induce social change. The era of being blind anti-establishment is over. So is the era of 'nothing to do with technology and market' also over. It is necessary hence to conceive of a developmental Institute that can creatively engage and harness the best of human attainments towards a greater human good. Significant equally is the 'return on effort', the scale of change indexed to our efforts. Brick Foundation is here anchored.

Brick Foundation is anchored on the foundation of 'Knowledge for Society' where the Knowledge and expert ability informs developmental concerns. We strongly believe that many of the Social problems only need 'knowledge' and 'communication' to be solved. We leverage an inventory of expertise of our consultants, academic and developmental network to address social problems and enhance capacity of players engaged in the developmental realm. Our areas of current focus are Education, Employability and Mental Health. We also have a strong interest in anchoring Social Helplines.

Brick Foundation organizes regular workshops on Homeopathy, Ayurveda, Mental Health and Career Development to help citizens with knowledge, perspective and preventive cum healing empowerment.

Brick Foundation extends an invitation to experts, students and socially concerned citizens to join us in our endeavor.


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